Transform Career Mentoring Program
Changing Outcomes, One Student at a Time
Rationale- The employment equity gap for people of color and for women is the result of historical bad habits and attitudes among employers. But the fix for both people of color and women lies in the under-represented people themselves. What is all too often missing in a sense of worthiness and confidence, the knowledge that the open seat at the table is waiting for them. Connecting a high school student with a trusted career mentor can be the game-changer that creates that sense of worthiness.
Why This Program Works – A relationship the delivers consistency and dependability, built between a trusted career mentor and a student mentee can be life changing.
How the Program Works - 10th grade students are paired with highly vetted “Career Mentors” from local employers in their preferred tech career path. Career Mentors and students are required to connect at least once per week for at least 5 minutes per connection, connecting by phone, by text, by email, or in person.
What Does the High School Provide? The high school provides a School Program Liaison who works with Transform Consulting, identifies the participating 10th grade students, distributes program communications to the students and their families, and monitors the program’s implementation.
What Does Transform Consulting Provide? All program coordination and logistics management, recruiting and training of Career Mentors, marketing materials, facilitation of “Kickoff Meet & Greet” meetings for Career Mentors, students, and their families, Partner Activity Log (“PAL”) software, management of all facets of the Rising Senior Summer Internship program.
What Does It Cost the Participating High School? There are no costs to the school to provide this program for its students.
What is Included in Career Mentor Training? A standard background check, explanation of overall project goals, suggested questions, topic starters, and guides to clear conversations, what to say and what not to say, how to handle tricky topics, where to go for help if needed.
Who is Transform Consulting? Transform Consulting is a woman-owned Ohio small business, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, specializing in changing outcomes for individuals, organizations and communities. Managed by clinical psychologist and business consultant, Dr. Robin Arthur, former Chief of Psychology of the Lindner Center of Hope, Mason, Ohio. Doug Arthur, Principal Consultant for Transform Consulting, has been designing workforce solutions to talent shortfalls in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Lima, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, San Diego, and Austin for the last twenty years.
For more information, please contact: Doug Arthur | | (513) 378-2172